Publications, Press, Recognition

Feminism in India 

  1. Ten Things Men Can Do to Dismantle Patriarchy in the Time of #MeToo
  2. Why Must Sumukhi Suresh’s Legacy be Tainted by Utsav Chakraborty?
  3. Book Review: ‘She’s Not There’ By Jennifer Finney Boylan
  4. Seven Tips on How to Build a Sustainable Wardrobe
  5. “The Favourite” Portrays Delightfully Despicable Women and Their Power Equations
  6. What Does #MenToo Mean In A World Where Women’s Stories Are Still Dismissed?

News Pieces/Op-Eds

  1. #MeToo in India: Patriarchal attitudes have infiltrated, distorted places where survivors speak out, FIRSTPOST, INDIA
  2. Trump’s Plan to End Birthright Citizenship Has Been Tried Elsewhere. The Human Rights Abuses Were Horrific, SLATE
  3. The #10YearChallenge is Harder on Women Than You Think, POPSUGAR
  4. When ‘Patriots’ Silence India’s Feminist Voices, Everyone Suffers, THE INDEPENDENT

Essays and Cultural Criticism

  1. Thank You, Fatima, GRUB STREET, NY MAG
  2. How My Tiny Kitchen Saved My Soul, HUMAN PARTS, MEDIUM
  3. The Courage to Say No, Without the Guilt, ZORA, MEDIUM
  4. Body Boundaries, Indian Culture, and Healing Enough to Be Mothers to Our Mothers, CATAPULT
  5. Bye Sharam: Indian Women Are Tapping into the Enduring Power of Memoir, BITCH
  6. In the Saturated Space of Food Writing, We Have Lost That Food is Political, WEAR YOUR VOICE MAGAZINE
  7. Accutane cured my acne. But I had to go to India to get it, OUTLINE


  1. 18 Stories You Loved the Most in 2018, FEMINISM in INDIA
  2. Featured Writer of the Month [March], FEMINISM in INDIA
  3. Body Boundaries featured in MEMOIR MONDAY [A Newsletter collecting “the best first-person writing from around the web”]
  4. Women reflect on what gender equality will look like in 2030, Re:Set